This has fixed the issue for most of the users and often resulted in improved performance.The terms of this agreement ("Terms of Service") govern the relationship between you and Supercell Oy, a Finnish company (business ID 2336509-6) having its registered office at Jätkäsaarenlaituri 1, 00180 Helsinki, Finland, (hereinafter "Supercell" or "Us" or "We") regarding your use of Supercell's games, store, sites and related services (the "Service"). If all the above given fixes doesn’t resolve your issue then the last option that you are left with is to uninstall your existing bluestacks app player and do a fresh installation of Updated Bluestacs App Player. Uninstall and Reinstall Bluestacks App Players Visit here to Update your Graphics Driver.Keeping all your system drivers up to date is one of the best way to fix most of your system errors therefore in case of Clash of Clans Black screen Bluestacks error the issue looks more related to graphics driver problem therefore here you can fix it by Updating your Nvidia, ATI, AMD and Intel graphics drivers. Updating your Graphics Driver (For all Nvidia, AMD and Intel Users) That’s it now go to the tray icon and Quit Bluestacks from there and Restart Bluestacks and you will no longer face the same Black Screen error anymore.Scroll down to settings and select Threaded Optimization -> Select the Option Turn off as show below in the image.Navigate to Manage 3D Settings -> Program Settings -> Here Click on Add button -> Add Bluestacks Frontend as shown below in the image.

Go to your Nvidia Control Panel and to open your Nvidia Control Panel Just do a right click on your desktop screen and select Nvidia Control Panel.