Here the number ‘84.0.522.59’ may vary in your case. Open File Explorer and navigate to the following path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\84.0.522.59\Installer Once the process is complete, all the files will be removed. Select it, and click on Uninstall button.Sort the list by name, and locate Microsoft Edge.Click on Uninstall a program to reveal the list of programs installed on the computer.Locate Programs or Programs and Features based on the view It will open the classic Control Panel.Type “Control” in the Run prompt (Win + R) and press the enter key.2] Remove Microsoft Edge using Control Panel You may have to expand it to reveal all the options, including Run as an administrator, open file location, and so on. The same option is available on the right side section of the Start menu, where it shows a quick option. Choose Uninstall from the menu option, and let the uninstaller get the job done.Once you see Microsoft Edge (green icon) in the result, right-click on it.Click on the Start Menu, and type “Microsoft Edge” in the search box.1] Uninstall Microsoft Edge Chromium Browser via Start Menu The new version of Microsoft Edge is included in a Windows system update, so the option to uninstall it or use the legacy version of Microsoft Edge will no longer be available. The new version of Microsoft Edge gives users full control over importing personal data from the legacy version of Microsoft Edge. Because Windows supports applications that rely on the web platform, our default web browser is an essential component of our operating system and can’t be uninstalled. Microsoft Edge is the web browser recommended by Microsoft and is the default web browser for Windows. So maybe the 3rd or 4th methods may help you. UPDATE: Before you proceed, you should know that the new Microsoft Edge Chromium browser installed via Windows Update does not offer you the option to uninstall it via the UI. Also, make sure to sign out of your Microsoft account before uninstalling the browser. You can always reinstall from the Microsoft Edge website if you change your mind. An admin should uninstall it if it was installed by him or her. You can use any of the methods to uninstall or remove Edge completely from Windows 10.

But if you want to remove it from your PC for some reason, here are the different methods to uninstall Microsoft Edge Chromium Browser. It is also known to consume less power as compared to Chrome. Microsoft Edge is probably the best Chromium-based browser that is available, without the extra baggage that some others may carry.